Smart Classrooms

Modem teaching-learning techniques emphasize the concept of Smart Classrooms, where the students have an access to the learning material other than normal books.

Under audio-visual teaching aids, use of multimedia devices like computers connected with Interactive Boards with LCD or Over-head LCD projectors have become an essential part of Teaching-Learning process where the teacher acts like a facilitator helping the child understand the subject. Smart classrooms help tiny-tots to see the stories, rhymes & revise the subject, watch the slide-shows and animated video clips or content modules. Children are given exposure to computer as well as to try their tiny fingers on Play Station to relax & develop the cognitive and psycho motor skills.

To support the children in developmental milestones, school arranges counseling sessions for the parents not only on Good Parenting but also on Nutritious Goodies. All these activities morally boost the child and make him/her well- versed with the latest to tackle the real-life challenges of the outer world.